Andrew Sheridan
Born 9:24p on 2/8/2000 at the Pottstown Memorial Medical Center (Pottstown, PA) - 9 Lbs. 3 Ozs., 19 1/2 inches
Ashley Marie
Born 8:00p on 1/15/2003 at the Pottstown Memorial Medical Center (Pottstown, PA) - 8 Lbs. 8 Oz., 19 inches

Headline News
  • Ashley birthday pictures
    2006-01-04 15:10:45 @ 2006-01-04 15:10:45
    Ashley had her birthday pictures taken today. Take a look

  • Christmas pictures
    2005-11-10 10:42:07 @ 2005-11-10 10:42:07
    We took pictures today for Christmas. I know it is early but we need them for cards.

  • New pictures
    2005-06-16 10:02:41 @ 2005-06-16 10:02:41
    Father's day pictures that were taken today

  • New pictures
    2005-05-27 05:48:20 @ 2005-05-27 05:48:20
    There are new pictures in each child's album. THey are from vacation and Andrew's graduation

  • Birthday pictures
    2005-02-05 17:03:23 @ 2005-02-05 17:03:23
    Andrew's 5 yr pictures are up.

  • Pictures
    2005-01-12 11:36:42 @ 2005-01-12 11:36:42
    Ashley's birthday pictures are up for all to see.

  • Pictures
    2004-11-07 17:39:27 @ 2004-11-07 17:39:27
    We took our Chirstmas pictures today. Take a look at us!!!

  • Children update
    2004-07-28 09:49:22 @ 2004-07-28 09:49:22
    Ashley had a great 18 month check up. Has to go to the ENT for a hearing test to see if that is the casue of her speech delay. Andrew was in the ER for Swallowing a Marble.

  • Pictures
    2004-04-24 14:29:46 @ 2004-04-24 14:29:46
    Check ou tthe new springtime pictures of the kids. Each child has new pictures up.

  • Pictures
    2004-02-23 21:38:44 @ 2004-02-23 21:38:44
    There are new pictures of both the kids in their gallery

  • New pictures
    2004-01-03 15:47:31 @ 2004-01-03 15:47:31
    Ashley First birthday pictures are up

  • Ashley walking
    2003-12-19 09:35:54 @ 2003-12-19 09:35:54
    Check out the video of Ashley walking.