Android – You’re Doing It Wrong

ORIGINALLY POSTED APRIL 7, 2012 I’ve begun to see a pattern of people posting their opinion of Android, especially those coming from other OS’s, with one point that I find more than a little ridiculous.  Since I still move in webOS circles a bit I’ve seen it there certainly, but also from a few people… Continue Reading Android – You’re Doing It Wrong

The rise and fall (and rise again?) of webOS

ORIGINALLY POSTED AUGUST 21, 2011 Anyone who follows me on Twitter most certainly knows my feelings about what went down with HP and webOS this week.  It can be summed up in one word: anger, frustration, resignation, indifference, incredulousness (if that’s even a word, my spellchecker isn’t so sure!) and amazement. It helps to understand… Continue Reading The rise and fall (and rise again?) of webOS

The Top 100 Commodore 64 Games Of ALL TIME

ORIGINALY POSTED FEBRUARY 8, 2011 On Twitter I recently promised my list of the top 100 Commodore 64 games of all time, and here it is! Anyone that knows me knows that I’m an old-timer C64  guy… I lived that life you read about and hear about from other old-timers.  I have a lot of… Continue Reading The Top 100 Commodore 64 Games Of ALL TIME

jQuery wins the 2010 Open Source JavaScript Libraries Award

ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED NOVEMBER 18, 2010 “Recently, I completed judging duties for Packt Publishing’s 2010 Open Source awards in the JavaScript libraries category.  The competitors where jQuery, Dojo, ExtJS, Rafael and MooTools, all very good libraries.  The winner was jQuery, based on a couple of judges’ opinions and the opinions of the voting public.  Congratulations to… Continue Reading jQuery wins the 2010 Open Source JavaScript Libraries Award

Efficient remote code loading in webOS applications

ORIGINALLY POSTED SEPTEMBER 9, 2010 There was an interesting forum post in the private webOS dev forums that I saw today talking about the Google Map app and how lousy it was (paraphrasing a bit- LOL).  One of the biggest concerns, which I absolutely share, was around startup time.  We were all wondering why it… Continue Reading Efficient remote code loading in webOS applications

History was made tonight: Shadow Gallery- LIVE AT LAST!

ORIGINALL POSTED SEPTEMBER 6, 2010 For anyone that follows me on Twitter or elsewhere you almost certainly know that I’m a huge fan of the progressive rock band Shadow Gallery (  I have been for… jeez, about 15 years now, give or take!  I discovered them right around the time I got engaged to my… Continue Reading History was made tonight: Shadow Gallery- LIVE AT LAST!

Twitter: it’s really not (all) just mental diarrhea!

ORIGINALLY POSTED AUGUST 10, 2010 Twitter is stupid.  It’s a waste of time.  It’s people self-aggrandizing and trying to make themselves feel better about their pathetic lives.  It’s idiots telling you every little last bit of minutia about their day, as if anyone cares about their boyfriend problems or how lousy their boss is or… Continue Reading Twitter: it’s really not (all) just mental diarrhea!

What the Apple v. HTC suit is REALLY all about

ORIGINALLY POSTED MARCH 3, 2010 Well, it’s just about 2 am here and I just got back from a business trip a few hours ago… I SHOULD be going to sleep, but instead I’m doin’ the ole’ blog thing! On the flight back I saw the news that Apple has opened litigation against HTC claiming… Continue Reading What the Apple v. HTC suit is REALLY all about

When comparisons go wrong

ORIGINALLY POSTED FEBRUARY 13, 2010 I was reading a post over at The Register today talking about Opera Mini on the iPhone.  One of the talkbacks made a comparison between Apple’s App Store and a real store. They said (essentially) that if you own a brick-and-mortar store you can choose to sell any merchandise you… Continue Reading When comparisons go wrong

Is the Palm Pre all it’s cracked up to be?

ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED DECEMBER 31, 2009 So, a bit over a month ago I got a brand new Palm Pre, and I’ve been playing with it ever since (in fact, it’s for a project I’m knee-deep in, it’s not just a toy, I actually needed it!).  This phone has been out for something like three months… Continue Reading Is the Palm Pre all it’s cracked up to be?