iPhone, uPhone, we all scream for… err, the iPhone!

ORIGINALLY POSTED DECEMBER 10, 2008 Today a saw a post on Digg: http://digg.com/apple/iPhone_Developer_Writes_Personal_Letter_to_Steve_Jobs This discusses a letter sent by an iPhone developer named Craig Hockenberry to Apple CEO Steve Jobs.  You can check out the letter here: http://www.macblogz.com/2008/12/09/iphone-developer-writes-personal-letter-to-steve-jobs This post got me thinking… I don’t own an iPhone myself.  I refuse to consider it until… Continue Reading iPhone, uPhone, we all scream for… err, the iPhone!

For parents: The answer you’ve been looking for!

ORIGINAL POSTED DECEMBER 6, 2008 I’m a parent of two, and I do what most parents do: lie to their kids. I participate in perpetuating the myth of a jolly fat man in a red suit that has in his possession flying reindeer, who uses magic dust to shrink himself down to fit down the… Continue Reading For parents: The answer you’ve been looking for!

On the feasibility of traveling to Proxima Centauri B

ORIGINAL POSTED AUGUST 27, 2017 So, as everyone has heard by now, scientists this week announced officially the discovery of a (maybe) Earth-like planet orbiting our nearest neighboring star, Proxima, which has been dubbed Proxima Centauri B (heretofore referred to as PCB). Aside from us Babylon 5 fans being excited as hell (Proxima colony?! The… Continue Reading On the feasibility of traveling to Proxima Centauri B